Thursday, October 19, 2006

You Know Who You Are

All right, all right, you snide bastard. "Maybe the best way to get in touch with you is to leave a comment...on your blog." Smartass.

How often did you talk to people who weren't within ten feet of you during college? I can tell you, because I was within ten feet of you for most of college. VERY FEW. And do you know why? Because you were BUSY. And when you weren't BUSY, you were TIRED. And when you weren't BUSY or TIRED, you were ASLEEP. And when you weren't BUSY, TIRED, or ASLEEP, you were DRUNK.

So sue me for not keeping in better touch! I'm not dead yet. That's all you need to know until finals are over.

(I attach a picture in tribute to my undying yet sarcastic affection for you.)


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